HTML color names work similarly to Hex color codes. You can use them inline with HTML styles or define them in a separate CSS stylesheet for better organization and reusability.
Discover a comprehensive guide to HTML color names, HEX codes, and RGB values. Use these predefined colors in your web development projects for consistent and professional designs.
<!-- In your HTML document --> <body> <h1 style="color:DarkSalmon">DarkSalmon Text Title</h1> <p style="color:LightCoral">LightCoral paragraph text</p> </body>
/* In your .css stylesheet */ h1 { color: DarkSalmon; } p { color: LightCoral; }
<p style="color: Blue;">This text is blue.</p>
h1 { color: DarkCyan; } <h1>This heading uses DarkCyan.</h1>
background: linear-gradient(to right, Red, Orange);
With this tool, you can easily select HTML color names, copy their HEX or RGB values, and incorporate them into your projects for seamless integration.
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